What is refined olive oil?
Refined olive oil is heavily processed to change characteristics of the olive oil without altering the original compound structure. Refined olive oil usually has no taste or smell and will often be completely colourless. The refining process involves heavily reducing the acidity levels using caustic soda before decolorizing to a final product that is usually clear and has no colour. This process eliminates any nasty elements but at the same time eliminates the nutritional elements.
You will never see “refined” olive oil in major retailers. Instead you will see simply, “Olive Oil”, which is essentially refined virgin olive oil with a few drops of virgin olive oil. Therefore all standard olive oil products lack the nutritional qualities found in virgin and extra virgin olive oil. Pomace oil is essentially olive paste. Once the oil has been extracted, organic solvents are used to further extract the little oil that remains in the olives. Pomace oil is also subject to the refining process.
Major retailers will again mix pomace oil with a few drops of virgin olive oil and sell this as olive pomace oil. Refined olive oils do not have flavour. They do not taste of anything. Refined olive oils are used as a bland vehicle to cook ingredients whereas virgin and extra virgin olive oil are bursting with flavour, aromas and nutrients that will transform any dish.